
Work in the foot via reflexology intends to affect a revitalisation of energetic zones connecting areas of the foot with specific organs and systems in the body.

The work is carried out manually and it often involves an initial and brief foot massage, strech and mobilisation or the foot and ankle joints, followed by manual presure in different points of the foot, ankle and lower leg.

The treatment is tailored to you. What you are looking for in the session and the level of pressure that feels just right for you.

When working on the foot, not only are we working the reflex points of the foot, but through our touch and mobilisation we affect blood and lymph circulation, joint mobility and energetic flow in our meridian lines (the foot and ankle are irrigated energetically by the kidney, bladder, gall bladder, stomach, liver and spleen meridians).

A Profound Experience.
After a session has been carried out, I am often told by my clients that they feel deeply relaxed, lighter and refreshed.

44 Alexandra Rd
BA11 1LX

9:00AM - 5:00PM